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What is correct format of Date of Birth (DoB) to be entered?



  • sajeesh07

    am update my date of birth in 08th may 1983-08/05/1983 what is the is

    issue for this


  • haritha.ntth

    If updated wrong dob then what is the procedure to correct my dob?

  • pintukumarraaj4521

    Pintu kumar ram

  • mblancomurialdo28

    09/10/1984 does not mean october 9, 1984. it means september 10, 1984.

  • chubbykoh

    10/30/2005 does not mean

  • djajad95

    Date of Birth, Format of Date of Birth, Income tax return Here we provided the correct format of date of birth to be entered while filing the return

  • a.bing32

    I hate it because I can't put in my date of birth and mm dd yy he is pulling up all day and it keeps pulling up all these examples but never pulls up my date so I hate it I really do hate cuz it never d pulls up March 28th when I need it to


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