FMV is Fair Market Value of Shares or Equity oriented mutual funds as on 31 January 2018. It is mandatory to enter for sale of Shares or Equity oriented mutual funds purchased before 31 January 2018.
ISIN code is the International Securities Identification Number. It is a unique code that is used to identify securities. It is mandatory to enter for sale of Shares or Equity oriented mutual funds purchased before 31 January 2018.
These details are necessary to arrive at the correct amount of long-term capital gains where the grandfathering provisions are applicable.
myITreturn’s e-filing platform enables you to directly upload your broker/trader sheet online or import it in excel templates from brokers such as CAMS, FUNDS India, HDFC, ICICI, Sharekhan, Upstox, Zerodha and others.
You can find ISIN and FMV as on 31 January 2018 by downloading the PDF attached below.
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