Step 1: Go to and sign in
Step 2: Enter Personal details
You need to provide your personal details such as PAN, Date of Birth, E-mail Id, First name, Middle name, Last Name, Gender, Father's Name, Contact Number and Aadhar Number / Aadhar Enrolment Number so that a Tax Filer is created.
Step 3: Click on the Member created
Once Submit button is clicked, your Member account is created. Now click on your name to proceed further.
Step 4: Click on Upload to upload your Form-16
In the Dashboard screen, click on the "Upload" button to upload your Form-16. Upon clicking the "Upload" button, it will display pop-ups to upload the Form-16 pdf file.
Note that if you don't have a Form-16, you can proceed by clicking on the "Quick Import from ITD" or easy Q&A options.
Step 5: Verify your details
myITreturn will automatically fetch details from your Form-16 and it will be displayed in the next screen.
Review the details. If there are any changes required, you can edit the figures. If the details are fine, click on "Continue".
A screen showing the summary of Form-16 will be displayed. Click on "Next".
This will display the "Add Tax Filer" screen. Recheck the details and then click on "Submit".
The member screen will be displayed again. Click on your name to continue.
The Form-16 page will be displayed with a pop-up to confirm whether you have any other Form-16 to upload.
Note: More than one Form-16 is applicable when one has switched jobs during a year and may receive Form-16 from each of his/her employers.
If there is no other Form-16 to upload, click on "No". Then click on "Continue".
Step 6: Select your Residential Status
Select the option applicable for your Residential Status and click on "Way Forward".
In the next screen, click on "Review and File".
Step 6: Enter your Personal Details
Enter your personal information and then click on "Save". Then click on "Bank Details".
Step 7: Add Bank Details
Click on "Add Bank Details" and update the information about your bank account.
Note: It's important to update bank details accurately as this is the account where any refund will be received.
Once bank details are updated, click on "Summary".
Step 8: Review Income Tax Summary
Review the Income-Tax Summary. This will display your refund or tax payable as well.
Click on "Continue".
This will display the screen to confirm that this is your Original tax return. Click on "Almost Done".
Note: Revised returns should be selected only if you have already filed tax return for the current year and are filing it again to revise it.
Note: If you have any other Income or Deductions, click on the "Income" or "Deductions" menu options at the top to enter the same.
Step 9:Complete payment to file your tax return
The payment screen will be displayed. Complete the payment to file your tax return.
Note that if you are eligible for free filing then "Free" will be displayed instead of the price.
Step 10: Get an Acknowledgment (ITR-V)
Your Income-tax return will get filed automatically.
You will get ITR-V in your e-mail sent directly by the Income-tax Department.
Important: Once your Income-Tax Return is filed, it is important to complete the e-verification of the Income-Tax Return. Click here to view the steps to complete e-verification.
In case of any issues please contact our support team
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