Tax payment
- Step by Step Guide to change attributes for correction in challan
- Where do I find Challan Serial No.?
- Where do I find BSR Code?
- CBDT: Individuals have to issue TDS certificate on deducting tax on payment to contractors
- TDS on Immovable Property u/s. 194IA
- What is Regular Assessment Tax ?
- What if I have selected wrong Assessment Year while paying tax?
- Taxes Paid
- Interest payable for non payment of Advance tax (Section 234B)
- How is advance tax calculated and paid?
- Interest payable for non filing of Income-tax return (Section 234A)
- Income-tax penalties
- Interest payable for deferment of Advance tax installments (Section 234C)
- What is self assessment tax?
- The Demand entries communicated by ITD CPC in my case are erroneous and ITD CPC has adjusted these demands against my refund. Whom to contact to clarify the correct position of demand?
- Draft format of application of challan correction to be submitted to bank
- Draft format of application of challan correction to be submitted to the Assessing Officer
- How to claim 'unclaimed TDS on Advance / Self Assessment Tax'?
- How to claim 'unclaimed TDS (Other than Salary)'?